35+ Trendy Christian Names for Girls

Written By Adora

Parenting tips here.

Adore Christian names for girls but still haven’t discovered the perfect one? As a dedicated writer of baby names, a follower of Christ & mom, I’ve curated this selection of beautiful baby girl names influenced by the Bible – and I’m sure at least a few will astonish you!

Contemporary Christian Names for Girls


Let’s start with one of my top choices for baby girl names – Selah. Found in the Psalms, this name signifies “pause and contemplate,” – how lovely!


A recent addition to the landscape of baby names, this trendy girl’s name signifies peace and is linked to the olive tree, which symbolizes fruitfulness and beauty in the scriptures.


A gentle and elegant option, the name Shiloh conveys “peace” or “place of rest.”


The name Lael signifies belonging to God.


If you appreciate contemporary Christian names, this one could be ideal for you! Haven represents a safe space or refuge, symbolizing the protection God always provides. 

Additionally, Christian influencer Sadie Robertson-Huff has two baby girls, one named Honey and the other Haven. Pure perfection.


Translating to “beginning” or “origin,” this name refers to the first book of the Bible that narrates the story of creation.


This lovely Christian name for girls signifies “God is my light.”


Referring to the abode of God, this newly trending Christian girl’s name encompasses beauty, peace, and eternity.


Did you know that Sarah’s initial name was actually Sarai? Explore the entire narrative of why God instructed Abraham to rename Sarai to Sara in Genesis 17.

Unisex Christian Names for Girls


Surprised? Indeed! Both spellings Noa and Noah are rising in popularity among baby names for girls! This exquisite gender-neutral name means rest.


Another name usually assigned to baby boys is now gaining traction among baby girls as well in 2025. The name Ezra signifies help, or helper – utterly charming.


Originating from the Hebrew name Jacob, meaning “supplanter” or “one who follows,” symbolizing resolve and humility.


Translating to “Who is like God?”, this delightful addition to our list of Christian names for girls proclaims the uniqueness and divinity of God.

Trending Christian Names for Girls


Were you aware that Abigail was celebrated for her beauty and intellect? Perhaps this explains its popularity! In fact, in 2024, Abigail was *the* most popular Biblical name for baby girls, signifying “my father’s joy.”


A favored option for baby girls, the name Hannah means “grace” or “favor,” connected with God’s blessing, as Hannah in the Bible received a son following faithful supplication.


A timeless baby name for girls, the name Faith embodies unwavering belief and trust in God, encapsulating spiritual tenacity and conviction.


This name means “God has answered,” and is beautifully suited for a rainbow baby (and isn’t the nickname Ellie adorable for a precious child?). I’m utterly enchanted.


The narrative of Ruth conveys a heartwarming tale of unwavering faith amid life’s struggles – and that is the story of Naomi.


Meaning “delight” or “paradise,” this name references the Garden of Eden and symbolizes innocence and tranquility.


A sense of anticipation and aspiration for a specific outcome; a feeling of reliance. Simply exquisite.


A loyal supporter of Paul in the New Testament, the name Lydia translates to beautiful one or noble one.


Next in line, this charming Biblical girl’s name signifies life.


Meaning noble woman, this well-established Biblical girl’s name signifies respect and royalty; Sarah was the mother of the nations.


The name Rachel means lamb.


Although Delilah is a widely favored name for baby girls, the tale of Delilah in the Bible narrates a story of betrayal. Sent to uncover Samson’s secret, she discovered that his strength lay in his long hair, which she disclosed to his adversaries. 

Distinct Christian Names for Girls


The name Mercy signifies compassion and forgiveness, inspired by God’s mercy towards His people.


Blessing – such a lovely choice. This name represents divine favor and grace, often symbolizing gratitude for God’s gifts and promises.


Lastly, this beautiful & distinctive selection for our compilation of Christian names for girls – Keziah.

Keziah is introduced in the Old Testament of the Bible as one of Job’s three daughters. Job 42:15 tells us “No women as beautiful as Job’s daughters could be found in all the land.”